abcDiv2Svg - HELP

abcDiv2Svg makes standalone SVG's from abc2svg editor (© J.F. Moine)

Operating steps

  1. Start abc2svg abceditor (original) or from
    and load or write some abcfile
  2. Insert %%fullsvg a at the beginning of the abc code
  3. (Optional:)
    If you use a special font and you want to have a standalone SVG, you can convert this font to base64 and use it in your ABC-code like this example: %%gchordfont url("...Your base64-converted font...")
    font-family: YourNewFontname;
    src:url("...Your base64-converted font...")
  4. Use development tools (F12) and navigate to:
    <div id="right" ... > - <div id="target" ... > -
    The included DIV's are the pages of your sheet music.
    Each DIV contains one or more SVG's.
  5. Right click one of the DIV's and copy innerHTML
  6. Paste the copied text into the textarea of abcDiv2svg
  7. Choose pageformat 'A4' or 'minimal' (= necessary height)
  8. Click MAKE NEW SVG
    The programm will try to make a standalone SVG by wrapping a single SVG around and setting y-positions
  9. If you want to download a standalone SVG, click DOWNLOAD SVG
  10. Before you paste another text, clear all with X