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%abc-2.1 %%setfont-1 Times-Bold-Italic 20 %%topmargin 0.5cm %%botmargin 0.5cm %%titlespace 0 %%musicspace 0 %scale 0.6 %%vocalfont Times-Roman 18 X:1 T:Now Is The Month Of Maying C:Nach einem fünfstimmigen Satz von Thomas Morley M:C L:1/8 %%staves [ 1 2 3] K:Eb V:1 name="1" sname="1" %%MIDI program 74 |:B2|B2B2c2c2|d4d2B2|d3cd2=e2| w:1.~Now is the month of May-ing, when mer-ry lads are w:2.~The spring, clad all in glad-ness, doth laugh at Win-ter's f4f2c d|e2e2d2B2|c2=A2F2f e| w:play-ing. $1Fa $0la la la la la la la la. $1Fa $0la w:sad-ness. *********** d2e2c2c2|B4z2::d2|c2f2f2=e2|f4z2c2| w:la la la la la. Each with his bon-ny lass, a w:***** And to the bag-pipes sound, the _e2e2d2d2|c4z2f e|d2B2f4| w:danc-ing on the grass. $1Fa $0la la la la w:nymphs treat out their ground. ***** F G =A B c d e2|d3ed2c2|B4z2:| w:la la la la la la la la. $1Fa $0la la la. % % V:2 name="2" sname="2" %%MIDI program 16 |:F2|G2B2B2=A2|B4B2F2|B3=AB2B2| w:1.~Now is the month of May-ing, when mer-ry lads are w:2.~The spring, clad all in glad-ness, doth laugh at Win-ter's =A4A2_A A|G3=AB2B2|=A2F GA2A A| w:play-ing. $1Fa $0la la la la la la la la la. $1Fa $0la w:sad-ness. ************ B2G2B2=A2|B4z2::B2|c2_A2B3B|=A4z2_A2| w:la la la la la. Each with his bon-ny lass, a w:***** And to the bag-pipes sound, the G2c2c2=B2|c4c B=A2|B3cd2F G| w:danc-ing on the grass. $1Fa $0la la la la la. $1Fa $0la w:nymphs treat out their ground. ******** =A Bc2A B c A|B2B2B2=A2|B4z2:| w:la la la. $1Fa $0la la la la. $1Fa $0la la la. % % V:3 name="3" sname="3" %%MIDI program 71 |:B,2|E2G2F2F2|B,4B,2B,2|B3FB2G2| w:1.~Now is the month of May-ing, when mer-ry lads are w:2.~The spring, clad all in glad-ness, doth laugh at Win-ter's F4F2F F|E2C2D2G2|F6F F| w:play-ing. $1Fa $0la la la la la la. $1Fa $0la w:sad-ness. ********* B2E2F2F2|B,4z2::B2|_A2F2G2G2|F4z2F2| w:la la la la la. Each with his bon-ny lass, a w:***** And to the bag-pipes sound, the E2C2G2G2|C2c B=A2F2|B2B2B, C D E| w:danc-ing on the grass. $1Fa $0la la la la la. $1Fa $0la la la w:nymphs treat out their ground. ********** F6C2|D2G2F2F2|B,4z2:| w:la. $1Fa $0la la la la la.
%abc-2.1 %%beginml %%endml X:1 T:Quien es aquel pajarito O:Bolivia % %%voicecombine 2 M:6/8 L:1/8 %%score (1 2) |(3 4 5) %%map drums ^D, print=f heads=x_notehead %%map drums E, print=g heads=x_notehead %%map drums E,, print=c %%map drums C,, print=F K:Am V:1 "Am"x6|"Dm"x6|x6|"Am"x6| "C"x3"E7"x3|"Am"x6|"E7"x6|"Am"x6| "C"x3"E7"x3|"Am"x6|"E7"x6|"Am"x6|] V:2 name="Fl." %%MIDI program 74 aaa aag|f2d- dzz|aaa c'ag|e3zcd| e2g- ged|c2A- Acd|e2de2c|A3zcd| e2g- ged|c2A- Acd|e2de2c|A3-Azz|] % % % V:3 perc name="drums" %%MIDI channel 10 %%voicemap drums ^D, ^D, ^D, ^D, ^D, ^D,|^D, ^D, ^D, ^D, ^D, ^D,|^D, ^D, ^D, ^D, ^D, ^D,|^D, ^D, ^D, E,zz| ^D, ^D, ^D, ^D, ^D, ^D,|^D, ^D, ^D, ^D, ^D, ^D,|^D, ^D, ^D, ^D, ^D, ^D,|^D, ^D, ^D, E,zz| ^D, ^D, ^D, ^D, ^D, ^D,|^D, ^D, ^D, ^D, ^D, ^D,|^D, ^D, ^D, ^D, ^D, ^D,|^D, ^D, ^D, E,zz|] % V:4 perc %%MIDI channel 10 %%voicemap drums zE,, E,, z E,, E,,|z E,, E,, z E,, E,,|z E,, E,, z E,, E,,|E,,zz E,,zz| zE,, E,, z E,, E,,|z E,, E,, z E,, E,,|z E,, E,, z E,, E,,|E,,zz E,,zz| zE,, E,, z E,, E,,|z E,, E,, z E,, E,,|z E,, E,, z E,, E,,|E,,zz E,,zz|] % V:5 perc %%MIDI channel 10 %%voicemap drums C,,zz C,,zz|C,,zz C,,zz|C,,zz C,,zz|C,,zz C,,zz| C,,zz C,,zz|C,,zz C,,zz|C,,zz C,,zz|C,,zz C,,zz| C,,zz C,,zz|C,,zz C,,zz|C,,zz C,,zz|C,,C,,C,, C,,zz|]
%abc-2.1 %%deco red 10 @ 0 0 0 %%deco green 10 @ 0 0 0 X:1 T:Farbige Noten %%writefields Q 0 M:4/4 L:1/4 Q:1/4=120 K:C V:1 !red!E !green!F !red!G !green!A !red!B !green!c !red!d !green!e !red!f|| %%beginml rot = Noten auf den Linien
grün = Noten in den Zwischenräumen %%endml
%abc-2.1 %%beginml %%endml X:1 T:Aunt Rhody %%writefields Q 0 %%titlefont "AlegreyaSans-BlackItalic" 36 %%vocalfont "AlegreyaSans-BlackItalic" 16 %%capofont sans-serif 14 class=blue %%setfont-2 sans-serif 12 class=blue %%textfont sans-serif 12 %%stretchlast 1 %%staffsep 2cm %%capo 5 %%vocalspace 20pt M:4/4 L:1/4 Q:1/4=120 K:C V:1 %%MIDI gchordon %%MIDI chordprg 24 %%MIDI program 71 %%text Begleitung mit Gitarre und $2Ukulele "C"E2ED|C2C2|"G7"D2DF|"C"(ED)C2| w:Go tell Aunt Rho-dy, go tell Aunt Rho-_dy, E2"E7"ED|"Am"C2"F"CF|"C"EE"G7"DD|"C"C4|] w:go tell Aunt Rho-dy, the old gray goose is dead! %%center %%textfont sans-serif 12 class=red %%center ANMERKUNGEN: %%center Font "AlegreyaSans-BlackItalic" (aus Google Fonts, am eigenen Server gespeichert) %%center Beim Abspielen: Akkordbegleitung eingeschaltet
%abc-2.1 %%beginsvg %%endsvg %%endsvg X:1 %